Embracing Weakness: Thoughts from Berlin

We've been here just over a year, and I'd like to share a few things God has been teaching us over that time and hope it may encourage you as well. As I think about the past year, the word "weakness" is one that comes to mind over and over.

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Soma Indy
A Year on Mission in Nicaragua

God has truly blessed me with the opportunity to sit and invest in others’ lives in a painfully beautiful way in my time here in Nicaragua. I often know I can’t “do” anything for those around me but pray for them and love them as Jesus has called me to do.

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Soma Indy
Reading the Psalms

The Psalms give us language to express how we feel both toward God and toward our present situation. Reading the Psalms can also give us greater clarity to the rest of Scripture.

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Soma Indy
Coming to Jesus Through Scripture

It wasn’t until I was nearing 29 years old that I believed in God. It happened at the funeral of a young man who had played high school lacrosse for me. I went from agnostic to believer in a flash, but my previous life hadn’t provided me with any knowledge of the God I now knew to be real. I was desperate to know more.

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Soma Indy
Reading Narrative in the Bible

Twenty-one of the 66 books of the Bible are narrative. I’ve found Jen Wilkin’s method of praying, comprehending, interpreting, and applying most helpful as I’ve worked to understand the narrative portions of the Bible.

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Soma Indy
A Call to Prayer

We are not merely told, “The charges are dropped,” and that we “are free to go,” but we are told, “The penalty has been paid,” and we are invited “to stay, and to eat, and to be family.” This salvation is an invitation to converse with God. This is a call to prayer.

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Soma Indy

If I was only using prayer as a warm-up and cool-down for the truly important parts of my Christian faith, why bother with it at all? I decided that I wanted to learn more about prayer instead of just continuing to go through the motions and never really get the point of it. So, I turned first to the Bible.

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Soma Indy
The Lord's Prayer

I want so much to be close to God, but what does it mean to have a relationship with a being so far beyond, so other than me? Yes, he has adopted me as his child, placed his own Holy Spirit inside of me, given me the mind of Christ. But what does it look like for someone as frail as me to relate to a God outside of time, space, and imagination?

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Soma Indy
Rhythm of Rest

MC quickly became just like all of the other mandatory events: checking the box, showing up tired, and then moving onto the next thing. Even our MC, which is designed to be a place of rest, relaxation, and richly doing life with one another, became a place where we all left feeling more drained and tired than when we first showed up.

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Soma Indy
Sabbath Way of Life

God has more for you. He wants more for you. He has richness and life and purpose at hand, ready to pour out on you. And all he wants you to do to experience it is . . . nothing. He is beckoning you into his rest, so you can lay down your work for a day and enjoy him, and enjoy his people, and enjoy yourself.

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Soma Indy