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Conversing with God about what we are doing together.

Practice Guide

Pastor Josh Stahley put together a four week guide that walks us through different expressions of prayer. This is a great resource for individuals, couples, Discipleship Groups, and MCs alike!


Pastors Brandon Shields, Bobby Barbour, Josh Stahley, and Kent Livingston sat down to discuss their hopes and visions for this series on Prayer. Listen in on their conversation about the different expressions of prayer and why it’s so important.

Bobby is joined by Tamise, the worship director at Soma Northwest, and her husband, Tony, to talk about the importance of prayer, the role it has played in their lives, and how they try to model prayer for their son.

Blog Posts

Author & Covenant Member, Deb Dunlevy, takes us through the Lord’s Prayer in this beautifully written blog post:

“I want so much to be close to God, but what does it mean to have a relationship with a being so far beyond, so other than me? Yes, he has adopted me as his child, placed his own Holy Spirit inside of me, given me the mind of Christ. But what does it look like for someone as frail as me to relate to a God outside of time, space, and imagination?”

Will Baud was instrumental in launching our Pre-Service Prayer times on Sunday mornings. In a recent blog post, he shares his own journey with prayer:

“If I was only using prayer as a warm-up and cool-down for the truly important parts of my Christian faith, why bother with it at all? I decided that I wanted to learn more about prayer instead of just continuing to go through the motions and never really get the point of it. So, I turned first to the Bible.”

Jonathan & Beth Collord discuss the wonder of and invitation of prayer:

“We are not merely told “the charges are dropped,” and that we “are free to go,” but we are told “the penalty has been paid,” and we are invited “to stay, and to eat, and to be family.” This salvation is an invitation to converse with God. This is a call to prayer.”

Sermon Archive