Christianity is an odd religion. At the center of our faith is the conviction that a Jewish man was executed as a criminal for the sins of the world. And then, three days later, he rose from the dead, proving that he is the Son of God and the rightful King of the universe.

This is what the Bible teaches and what the church has always confessed ... that Jesus died for our sins, that he rose again, that he ascended to the right hand of the Father, and that he is coming again to judge the living and the dead.

That’s what we celebrate at Easter.

But “So what?” So a man rose from the dead. What effect does that have on my life?

Is the resurrection just something that we believe, or is it something that gives us life?

That’s why we are looking at the book of 1 Peter over the next couple of months.

Because Peter shows us how the resurrection of Jesus 2000 years ago changes everything about our lives today. He shows us how it changes our marriages, our jobs, the way we relate to government, the way we face trials, and the decisions we make about personal ethics.

Fundamentally, what Peter shows us is how the resurrection of Jesus creates hope. And hope changes everything.